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A Watch Can Make Your Life Easy and Fast.

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  • Live Chat

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  • Camera

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A Watch Can Make Your Life Easy and Fast.

  • Alarm Counter

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  • Live Chat

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  • Camera

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  • Support Wifi

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Attractive Features

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Heart Monitor

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Alarm Alert

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Distance Counter

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Weather Update

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Video Call

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Deal Of the Week

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Our Awesome Products

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Prolab Blue



Prolab Blue



Prolab Blue



Prolab Blue

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Watch Blue

For Man & Woman

Watch Red

For Man & Woman

Watch Black

For Man & Woman

Watch White

For Man & Woman

Price $135 $124 $179 $159
Brand Apple Applee Apple Apple
Color Black White Blue Black
Compatible with Android 4.0 iOS7 and above Android 5.0, iOS8 and above Android 6.0, iOS9 and above Android 7.0, iOS10 and above
Item Dimensions 9 x 3.01 x 0.79 in 7 x 5.03 x 0.63 in 10 x 2.01 x 0.21 in
Item Weight 0.7 lb 2.4 ounces 0.9 lb 3.8 ounces
Operating System iOS iOS, Android Android iOS, Android
Battery Capacity 170mAh 180mAh 190mAh 200mAh
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Prepared is me marianne pleasure likewise debating. Wonder an unable except better stairs do ye admire. His secure called esteem praise.

Asked Questions

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Contact Us

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+333 123 4565 7898

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140 Berkley Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania